Time for a Celebrity Couple to sing, "Consider Me Gone!"
~DWTS Season 10 Week 3 Results Show QuickCap~

Big Tom kicked off the show with a brief recap of Week 3 Performance Show and asked if we would be surprised on Week 3 Result Show. Hmmm.

Quickly moved to a few results where we learned that the first couple safe to dance again was Aiden and Edyta (Edyta looked shocked. NO confidence in Aiden, folks) and the other couple safe was Erin and Maks.

Len gave us his perspective on the Performance Night routines in his Lenny Goodman style. TOUGH but supportive. Len blasted Nicole and Derek's performance AGAIN and the dude needed to let. it. GO. Kate was proud of her lame Paso Doble and Len said Buzz was charming but his dancing was alarming. Oh, and Lenny admitted that he should have scored Erin and Maks' waltz lower due to it really lacked the dance content. (Liked Big Tom's saying that Len was retroactively cranky! Heh!)

Encore performance was Evan and Anna's Quickstep which was no real surprise that Len would pick that one though the AUDIENCE would have rather seen Nicole and Derek's routine if truth had been told. Just sayin'.

CW Artist, Reba, rocked the DWTS house with a couple of songs while the pro dancers danced.

Big Tom ran down the performance judges scores and then it was time for more result announcements and the next couple saved was . . . Niecy and Louis.

Derek and Chelsie's acoustic Paso Doble was in-CRED-able! Seriously, it was one of the best dance routines we've seen on this show. (And Derek and Mark Ballas mad guitar skillz were a HUGE bonus, baby!)

Brooke interviewed some of the SAFE couples (Snore Segment of the Show) and then Len threw down ANOTHER dance challenge for Week 4 so DWTS Season Ten has become DWTS Season TENsion. (Sigh. Yeah. Clever.)

The next safe couple was . . . Nicole and Derek. (You know this was a NON-surprise week when they didn't kick it off with one of the better couples in the bottom two right away)

Reba rocked it again with some singin' and there was dancin' and then Big Tom and Brooke threw it to Melissa Rycroft for a little segment on being a studio audience member for DWTS and I have to admit I'm kind of a sucker for backstage/ behind the scenes stuff so I thought it was well done. (Funny that the security guard didn't know Melissa from last season. Hee!)

Two more couples that were safe were . . . Evan and Anna and Chad and Cheryl.

Brooke interviews more of the safe couples and we did find out that Derek blamed the MUSIC for his questionable choreography and Chad plans to DO IT on the dance floor next week while dancing the Rumba and Brooke got a bit flustered by it all but Big Tom saved the "awkward" moment with his "Pay-per-View" comment and asking "whose going to clean THAT up." (SNORT!)

Another Behind the Scenes segment how all the stars are one, big, happy family . . . right. Whatever.

Next couple safe was . . . Pamela and Damian. That left Jake and Chelsie, Buzz and Ashly, and Kate and Tony.

And who FINALLY got the hook for Week 3? Buzz and Ashly. That was a good elimination though I SO wanted to see Kate leave (Sorry Tony) cause I'm tired of her and all her drama.

Next week let's getting ready to RUMBA!!!


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